
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ya Hasta Luvs Ya Som Larry Dahlke

Cuz I Does.

Platonically, of course, and in a non-stalkerly sort of way.

Though I think maybe it would be good for Larry to have a stalker -- but a non-scary, casual sort of stalker, that respects his privacy, doesn't make him fear for his life, allows him to have a significant other without getting mad about it. Though I suppose it would be okay to post some "Oh, I wish he were mine" on their blog dedicated to Larry Dahlke. That might be okay. Occasionally send him cookies or a fruit basket.

See, last week I posted that "One Less Beer" drawing. Shortly after, Larry linked and posted it on his blog. Made me happy -- I love attention (actor, duh).

Larry, by the way, is an extremely talented actor. And he also plays umpteen different musical instruments. Yes, umpteen!

So check out Larry's blog (Larry's blogging somewhat regularly again, yay!). And Larry's website. And if you swing by Wayside Theatre, there's a good chance you'll see him in a show there (an excellent show for sure, because it's Larry and Wayside together). Consider stalking him -- gently. (Photo via)

Friday, February 08, 2008

That Frog

Here's that frog sketch. I never said it would be a good one.