
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Penguins Can So Fly

I managed to work myself into a good blue funk for a while today. When I got over that, I drew this for you:


Anonymous said...

Peter, I don't know if you'll find this here, but I want to thank you for "Penguins Can So Fly." I hadn't seen it until today. I was checking your blog fairly regularly after Shenandoah last spring. Then I suffered a personal tragedy and was away from it for several months.

Anyway, to get back to the point, your Penguin is a bright, optimistic image just when I needed one. I hope you don't mind, but I snagged a JPEG to use as my computer wallpaper. If that's a problem for you, please post your objection and I'll delete the image from my computer.

Peter said...

proofreader -
I don't mind at all, in fact, I feel honored (only if you tried to make some financial gain would there be any problem). Feel free to download any of my drawings, and feel free to share (just tell 'em where you got it). I'm glad I was able to give you a bit of a lift.