'06 has been a decent year for me, theatrically: 28 weeks in rehearsal or onstage, somewhere over 100 performances, thousands of people came to the shows, adults and children both, and lucky me, I've made 'em laugh and cry and a few other things inbetween.
And personally it's been stellar -- Jenny and are now m-m-married. I got the best lady in the land! Still don't know how I pulled that off.
And I finally went to a foreign country (Belize), woohoo!
But hey, here's hoping '07 tops '06! Life! Hooha!
It's almost Christmas time. Jenny and I are off to Mississippi in just over a dozen hours.
Here's another drawing for you. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Fantastic Festivus, Stupendous Solstice, etc.! Happy Holidays!

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