
Sunday, July 05, 2009


I'm in a Capital Fringe Festival show: Captain Squishy's Yeehaw Jamboree. Written by a couple of friends of mine, Chris Davenport and Nick Greek. Imagine, if you will, the TV show HeeHaw reenacted by an insane asylum. That's not specifically what it is, but that's a good way to describe it. We open on the 10th.

Went to Ohio twice -- once for the opening performance of Tecumseh!, then a couple of weeks later for a reunion. Good times had by all at the reunion, and performers from many seasons previous came out of the woodwork. About the show itself -- it is still a great, great thing, and you, yes I mean you, should go see it.

Demetrius Thomas -- I talked to him on the phone recently, and, yah, he made it to the reunion. He has made a substantial, though not yet full recovery. Mentally, all's pretty well. One leg is giving him issues that's really screwing with his mobility. There's understandable frustration, but also a great appreciation for all the little things in life.

Jen's off to another 3-week stage combat workshop now. So it's me and Sadie at home again.

1 comment:

karen said...

thank you so much for info on demetrius thomas..we loved him in tecumseh ,we saw him after the accident after the play with his folks..hes a great guy ty