By the way, Shenandoah has been extended to May 21, though Scott B. will be leaving after April 30. Brian Sutherland will be taking his place for the remainer of the run (he's a good guy, and I heard a rumor he was in the original production of Cats). AND -- we got a good review in Variety magazine.
Meanwhile . . . here's proof that things can get better in the world, to wit:
1) Charles "Find My Picture In The Dictionary Next To The Word Corrupt" Taylor is in prison and will be tried for crimes against humanity. And why not? I think he's earned it.
2) Tom "Oh, Hammers Can Be Used To Build Things? Who Knew?!" Delay is resigning his seat -- uh, because polls have shown he has only a 50-50 chance of retaining his seat in the next election? I thought he liked a good fight. I think there's more to this than that claim. We shall see.

3) A new dinosaur has been discovered in Utah: Hagryphus giganteus, which means "giant four-footed, bird-like god of the western desert.” It is believed to stand about 7 ft. tall, and it supposedly looks like a giant turkey. I don't know why, but it seems to me that Utah is the perfect place to find a 7 ft. tall, prehistoric turkey. Happy Thanksgiving.
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