[And thanks to "proofreader" -- your moniker looks familiar for some reason -- for the comment from May 22, re Shenandoah backstage. I'd forgotten how interesting backstage theatricals can be, so I'll try to talk more about that with future shows, whenever those may be . . . .]
In the news: Ken Lay and Andrew Skilling have been found not just guilty, but WAY guilty. Good. Lay's defense of "just because I was in charge doesn't mean I had any clue what was going on" didn't fly. Hopefully this translates into more prison time than for someone caught smoking pot (cuz they caused a lot more harm). No link, cuz this news is easy to find.
From NewScientist: getting a good night's sleep isn't just good for you, it can help you lose weight (or: not gain it):
And here's a silly drawing I did during the run of Shenandoah :

1 comment:
Peter, I like your fish sketch. I've noticed that artistic people tend to choose more than one outlet for their creativity.
And please do share more "behind the scenes" stories (that won't betray confidences or embarrass anyone, that is). I'd love to hear simply how rehearsals came together or anything like that you'd care to share.
Re my name: unless you've visited some Star Trek boards, you might be thinking of another "proofreader." I've tried to choose that name at other sites and been told it was already taken. So apparently I'm not the only one out here.
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